
{E.V.E.N.T} Galderma Skin Awareness Month

 What happens when you fill a room with beauty bloggers and skincare experts  ? Its a "Skincare" party with the latest skincare wisdom flowing in from all corners ! It was a delight to be part of the Skin awareness month by Galderma India recently which had the city's celebrated dermatologists & influencers on panel to discuss all things skincare. And just so you don't miss out, grab a cup of your favourite beverage and keep reading for all the skincare tips , hacks and general reminders that will be shared throughout...
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{F.A.S.H.I.O.N} I dream of Travel

 Its just so amusing how 2020 brought a standstill to everything "LIFE". Ever since i started working , I saw the dream of travel and as a couple we decide to visit at least 1 country in a year . 2020 brought us a lot of gratitude for all that we were able to experience in the past ! 2 years down the line, I cannot wait to take off somewhere far very soon ! There is a constant realisation that time is running fast and that we need to see so much that we missed . In 2020, I had decided to visit Japan in the famed Sakura season...
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Hello my beautiful people !If you decided to include "reading more " in your 2022 resolution list, then i am here to make you achieve that resolution faster ! Ofcourse by writing more haha! Skipping the whole of 2021 like it never existed and directly updating the blog in 2022 - bet there will be a lot of blogposts come rain or sun ! I wrote a couple of drafts in 2021 but didn't go on to updating them- the year just didn't feel like it  ! However , the last 3 months of 2021 were such a relief with an all time low of COVID cases...
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